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About Me

About Me

I am a UW-Madison graduate and I am ready to take the world by storm.

My mission involves making our wonderful world a better place. ​

Please explore my experience, education, and skills below and feel free to contact me.




Programs Associate, Wholesome Wave

Bridgeport, Connecticut
June 2019 - April 2020

Wholesome Wave is the only national nonprofit that focuses solely on produce; it aims to make fruits and vegetables more affordable and accessible to low-income populations. Through various programs and initiatives, it pushes to increase consumers' produce-purchasing power in order to allow them to make healthier choices. I analyzed post-programmatic data for many projects to better understand trends for evaluation and presentation. I also worked to reduce and refine the "Produce Prescription Toolkit" so that community partners and other nonprofits could more feasibly use these tools to create their own produce prescription programs. ​​ Using this refined guide, I customized the standard process for implementing Produce Prescription Programs in ASANA, an online organizational tool for programs. Additionally, I managed our National Nutrition Incentive Network, which provided members with tools, webinars, guides, and many more resources to start their own nutrition incentive programs. Working on the programs team enabled me to experience firsthand the impact this organization is making, as well as access useful programming tools such as Qualtrics and FM Tracks. From this experience, I now understand how a nonprofit works and how each piece comes together in order for it to succeed in its mission. Although I am on the programs team, I have been involved with social media and testimonial collection projects under the marketing team, as well as observed fundraising calls, grant-writing workshops, and pipeline spreadsheets. Overall, I have been able to experience a passionate, hardworking team that works tirelessly in order to satisfy its mission of making fruits and vegetables more affordable and accessible.

Director, Slow Food

University of Wisconsin-Madison
January 2017 - May 2019

The goal of the Slow Food movement is to provide "good, clean, and fair food for all." Within the organization, I was the director of Family Dinner Night where my team and I effectively ran a pop-up restaurant each week by preparing a three-course, healthy, locally-sourced meal for $5 for students and the Madison community. I was the central point of contact for collaboration with various chefs, restaurants, and organizations to plan the menu and preparation strategy. I led my team throughout the process of preparing dinner, whether that be delegating tasks to my interns, time management of food preparation and serving the meal, or communicating with the chefs about how to best tackle the task at hand.  This experience has given me the leadership, time-management, and resourceful skills that I need to succeed in any role. 

Health & Wellness Intern, Community Access

New York, New York
June 2018 - August 2018

Working at Community Access gave me the opportunity to see the inner-workings of a non-profit. I was able to apply my passion for food (and greater health and wellness) to helping those struggling with mental health issues become a part of their communities. I was tasked with creating health-focused activities to engage people, including cooking demonstrations, community garden work, farmers' market trips, and excursions around New York City. Along with fieldwork, I worked in the administrative office as well to create an internal newsletter and food resource database.  The most satisfying part of this internship was seeing the difference that I was creating in these people's lives when they learned a new skill, fact, or activity.  ​​

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Intern, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit

Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York
June 2018 - August 2018

Working within the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) allowed me to use my creative skills by working with digital design. I was given the opportunity to create internal and external informational materials for professionals to use with their patients (i.e. New York Common Pantry business cards, screening reminders, & food access databases). This internship allowed me to experience the mindset of prevention and anticipation; each doctor and project works to educate and lead people in a healthier direction so that they are happier and better off later in life.

Editorial Writer, Spoon University 

University of Wisconsin-Madison
February 2017 - December 2017

Spoon University is an online food publication written for college students by college students. Being an editorial writer has given me a voice; it made me feel comfortable sharing my thoughts, especially to a specific audience. In this day in age, being able to navigate social media, hashtags, tweets, etc. is extremely important because our world is in an era of technology that will continue to expand. Being a writer for Spoon was an important gateway that led me to create my own blog that focuses on social responsibility and sustainable business practices. 

Study Abroad: Florence, Italy

CET Academic Program
Spring 2018

Spending five months in the beautiful country of Italy was the most incredible and unique experience. While there, I learned mainly about Italian food culture (further playing into my interests with food and cooking). I was enrolled in an introductory culinary course at the Florentine Cordon Bleu with two professional chefs who taught us about the cuisines of the different regions of Italy. I gained a true appreciation for authentic Italian food, allowing me to appreciate the Italian culture and its people. This further enhanced my understanding of the Slow Food movement (which began in Italy) and the cultural appreciation for food.

For additional information about any of the above, please look at my résumé or get in touch with me directly.
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Education History

University of Wisconsin-Madison

B.S. Community and Environmental Sociology
Certificate in Business Management | Certificate in Global Health


So, what is the intersection between all of these subject areas? At first, I did not know. However, I have realized that with my passion for making the world a better place, plus the resources accessible through the business side, I want to explore businesses' socially responsible efforts. Pulling together my understanding of people's relationships with their communities and environments from my sociology degree with my knowledge of global health and my business certificate, I am very well-equipped to enter into this field to give back to our world and help those in need.   


Community and Environmental Sociology

Community and Environmental Sociology is a unique program to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is similar to a Sociology degree in the sense that it studies the structure and development of society, as well as how that affects people and their connections. However, Community and Environmental Sociology is different because it specifically looks at the relationships that people have with their communities and environments through a sociological lens. Studying these links allows us to understand how society functions, the problems that arise, and potential solutions that can be implemented for various communities and populations. Because this major is in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, it oftentimes looks at the agricultural and environmental aspects of society. We look at a broad view of how forces such as globalization, urbanization, public policies, social movements, and technology relate to each other and affect people's lives. Students are able to understand societal connections through a more specific lens that can be personalized and better understood because of the courses that are offered. It is this major that led me to my interest in food insecurity and overall passion to look for root causes and find solutions to make the world a better place. 

Certificate in Global Health

The Global Health Certificate is an educational program that aims to involve all majors because public health relates to all fields. It focuses on finding the root causes of global public health issues and the programs or infrastructure that can be implemented in order to improve overall health. It further compliments my sociological degree because both aim to find relationships between people, their communities, and their environments to understand their greater health risks and find ways that we can help.  For my required field experience, I participated in a School Nutrition and Food Equity course where I learned the different factors and variables that affect school lunch.  This involves food insecurity, food access, local sourcing, city and school politics, socioeconomic class, racial backgrounds, and cultural differences. It opened my eyes to all that is involved when it comes to the food consumed by students. 

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Certificate in Business Management in the Agricultural and Life Sciences

This Business Management Certificate allows non-business students to have a basic understanding of business practices. Business decisions and knowledge is important in every professional field. It has given me a general background so that I can apply my sociological degree and Global Health Certificate to business in the hopes of forming an idea of environmentally sustainable business practices that can lead to social responsibility. 

  • Recognition of Outstanding Student Employee (ROSE) Award                March 2019

    • received by top 1% of student housing employees

  • William F. Vilas Scholarship Recipient                                                    August 2018

    • honor awarded to students with top academic merit

  • Dean's List                                                                                                2015 - 2019



I have been able to hone my writing skills so that I can effectively display data and create a narrative. Poverty & Place was a course that allowed me to build upon these skills. This class focused on understanding place-based poverty. Many believe that poverty is caused by individual actions, whereas there are many structural forces at play that keep people from climbing up the economic ladder. I did a semester-long case study of Montgomery County, NY because of its astronomically high child poverty population. I wove together various data reports in order to construct a story as to why there was such a high prevalence of poverty in this county. The case study focused on the sociological aspects (family structure, education, health status, etc.), economic aspects (precarious work, unemployment rates, minimum wage, etc.), and political aspects (government programs, benefits, housing assistance, health insurance, etc.) of the county. This case study, and the course overall, has allowed me to improve my comparative, evidence-based, and critical writing skills. Poverty & Place gave me a greater understanding of poverty because in most cases, impoverished people do not have the resources, access, or opportunities to better their situations, meaning that action needs to be taken to help them. 
Analytical & Critical Thinking
Having the ability to think critically and analytically about a situation is extremely important in any professional field. The course Environment, Natural Resources, and Society has allowed me to improve upon these skills because of the various topics that we discussed and different angles with which we looked at the environment and society.  I was able to connect various environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, toxins, and environmental injustice with demographic factors such as culture, gender, identity, race, or capitalism to find how they are intertwined. Finding the connections between these factors and how they affect people's lives was the basis for this class. It allowed me to think about larger systems and bring pieces together in order to create a larger picture of how the environment influences a person's life. 
Working in group projects is a skill that I pride myself on. In Methods of Sociological Inquiry, we were given various  resources and knowledge to understand the ways in which studies can be conducted and results can be gathered to deduce conclusions. In order to truly build our understanding, we created our own sociological study in teams regarding the greater university or Madison community. Doing so involved brainstorming research topics, identifying variables, constructing questionnaires, sampling, coding, cross-referencing, interpreting, and concluding. It was a tremendous undertaking that allowed me to realize the value in teamwork; I was able to both learn from and teach others. Group projects are a collaborative effort that builds collective problem solving, project planning, work ethic, and team-building, which further improves interpersonal skills. 
Leadership & Communication
Throughout my experiences, I have been able to improve my leadership skills, which are some of the most important skills that any professional can possess. Through my Communications in the Life Sciences course, we were educated on various marketing and communications tactics within the life sciences (which can be broadened and utilized within any field). I learned about target audiences, brand strategy, and media copy, among other topics. Our final project involved creating a strategic marketing plan for a company. I was the director of our group and was responsible for delegating tasks, writing weekly updates and acting as a liaison with our professor, checking in with each team member on the progress of their section, editing each piece, and formatting to bring it together at the end. This experience can attest to my leadership skills because in the end I was able to successfully lead a team in a manner that was collaborative, structured, organized, educational, and efficient.
Contact Me

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